A physical and emotional wreck... I don't know if this is a good state to be in for your first long haul flight, but you play the cards your dealt I guess. I do enjoy taking off, though given that this is the first time I have left NZ and I will be gone for a while, there was certainly an added sense of adventure, like, "This is permanent." The night's activities were obviously a bit limited, but big action films translate surprisingly well to tiny TVs with poor resolution... "You are not alone, there are pockets of resistance all around the earth"... damn straight Mr. Bale, I AM the resistance.
The phrase, "I'll sleep when I'm dead" took on a colourful new meaning around 2am. Then around 4am I realised I was sick. This was not pleasant, not at all... head, stomach, throat... none of these guys were in a good mood. Still, I did manage to squeeze in 'Leaving Las Vegas.' Nicholas Cage is a fantastic actor, I will not hear a bad word spoken about him. I love his commitment to the craft, his honesty, his charisma. Watching someone kill himself with drink in a place only a few hours away from where I will soon live was little disconcerting, but I'm sure that I needn't worry too much. The good life awaits me...
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